Rescue Wildlife in New Jersey

When seeking help for animals please call as soon as possible.
Need Help with Identification?
You found somebody but is is a baby mouse or a pinkie squirrel? What the heck is it? The Jersey Devil? New Jersey is home to over 400 species of vertebrate wildlife. We can help you identify who you found, if he or she needs help, and what to do for a safe rescue. Please call Wild Baby Rescue Center at 1-908-362-9453 (WILD).
Contact a Wildlife Rehabilitator
Wild Baby Rescue is a member of Animal Rehabilitators Alliance and Garden State Wildlife Rehabilitators Co-op. These organizations have a toll free phone number which provides info on how and when to rescue. Call to get connected with a rehabber who specializes in the species you have found. Staff of a rehabilitation facility can determine whether the animal needs help, and if so, how you can safely transport it to a treatment facility. It is not kind (or legal) to keep wildlife as pets. Let’s work together to keep wildlife wild and free.
1-877-472-8945 (4SAV-WILD)
Blairstown, New Jersey
1-908-362-9453 (WILD)
UPDATE (SPRING 2021): Wild Baby Rescue Center WILL BE OPEN for the Spring 2021. However, due to the current pandemic, there will be some restrictions. We will be receiving orphans directly from several facilities, but we will not be taking wildlife directly from the general public. Please do not bring wildlife here; we will be unable to take it. READ MORE ABOUT OUR CURRENT OPERATIONS.
If you know of an animal who needs help please call as soon as possible. Because time is of the essence do not use email or facebook to ask for help with an animal. (Email and Facebook are for general inquiries only.)
Common Instructions From Wildlife Caregivers:
- Call a licensed wildlife rehabilitator. A professional will be able to recognize if the animal is in distress or not.
- DO NOT FEED A WILD ANIMAL – providing the wrong type of food or drink could cause serious harm.
- If it is necessary to move an injured/abandoned animal:
- Wear gloves when handling wildlife.
- Put the baby in a secure box or pet carrier.
- Provide a heat source for warm-blooded animals (a soda bottle filled with hot water put in a sock, or a sock filled with rice and heated till warm in the microwave are good sources of heat).
- Provide a blanket or towel to snuggle and hide under.
- Keep rescued animals in a dark and quiet place away from pets and children.
Did You Know? Turtles know where they are going. If you find a turtle crossing the road, put him/her on the side that it was going to. If you put it back where it came from it will simply try to cross the road again (with what could be a disastrous result). Box turtles, which belong on dry land, can drown in only a few inches of water.