Last Year’s Fawn Shows Her Appreciation

Rescued Deer: Clover And Moonshine
Our capital improvement this year is a newly fenced-in field for fawns. The area has electric fencing surrounding it as well.
Our first test day went well with the fawns enjoying the extra room to run around. They sunned themselves, played tag and munched on the green grass. All was well, or so we thought.
On the third day one of our little girls, Moonshine, snuck under a low spot in the fencing. We tried everything to get her back into the corral. I even tried to grab her through the fence. Big mistake, she spun out and kicked hard. None of our coaxing worked. We were all very worried about a young fawn on her own. Night fell and there was nothing we could do until morning.
Early the next day here comes Moonshine with an adult doe leading the way. Clover, one of our deer from the prior year had adopted the little fawn. From then on Little Moonshine followed Clover where ever she went. A month later the rest of the Fawns were released. Moonshine and Clover come twice a day now for corn feed as do the other five fawns, Lightning, Rainbow, Shamrock, Sunshine and Twister. They have become one little herd led by the Motherly Clover.